EESystem Mars 60 Hours
We understand that living with chronic illness can be deeply challenging, especially after exploring countless treatments without the relief you hoped for. Our one-month Mars package offers an intensive plan designed with your unique situation in mind, focusing on enhancing your vitality and wellbeing.
Mars Package 60 Hours
Price: SGD3300
(Save SGD2100)
Total sessions: 30 (SGD110/Session
3 Months expiry activates on 1st session booked.
Please select your preferred time slot:
09:30am – 11:30am
12:30pm – 02:30pm
03:00pm – 05:00pm
Please select your preferred frequency of attendance for your EES sessions:
1. 6 Sessions per week over 5 weeks
2. 5 Sessions per week over 6 weeks
3. 3 Sessions per week over 10 weeks
Each session last s 2 hours. Terms and Conditions: All payments are non-refundable.
For any inquiries regarding the above options, please email us or contact us directly.