VIP Package 500 Hours
Price: SGD25088 (
Save SGD19,912)
Total sessions: 250 (SGD100/Session
Here at Inner Radiance, our open environment facilitates family healing and generational reconciliation. Embark on a transformative journey with your loved ones. We invite you to join us in this unique healing experience, where each session is a step towards greater unity and fulfillment, ensuring every family member feels heard, values, and energized to pursue a collective and prosperous future.
1 year expiry activates on 1st session booked
Limited to Immediate Family Members
Please select your preferred frequency of attendance for your EES sessions:
1. 250 Sessions over 6 months
2. 250 Sessions over 9 months
3. 250 Sessions over 12 months
Each session last s 2 hours. Terms and Conditions: All payments are non-refundable.
For any inquiries regarding the above options, please email us or contact us directly.
Parkway Parade #19-04
80 Marine Parade Road
Singapore 449269
Reg No: 202349446N